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Table of contents
  1. Configuration
    1. API reference for material-calendar
    2. selectors
      1. calendar-panel
    3. interfaces
      1. CalendarConfig
      2. DayC
    4. theaming

You can operate the material calendar in two different modes.

The first and most common is the monthly Mode. The second is an annual mode that shows every 12 months of the year.

In addition to this modes, there is also a basic configuration, as shown below.

API reference for material-calendar

import the MaterialCalendarModule and optional provide your location.
In my case: {provide: LOCALE_ID, useValue: 'de-DE' }

File: app.module.ts

import { MaterialCalendarModule } from  'material-calendar'; // <-- add this line

Optionally provide your location:

  providers: [
    {provide: LOCALE_ID, useValue: 'de-DE' } // <-- add this line (depending on your location)



Name Default Description
placeholderDay: boolean false show a day that does not occur directly in the month and serves as a visual placeholder
dataSource: DayC[] null transfer own days to equip the existing days in the component with data
year: number current year select the start year
month: number current month select the start month
monthsBefore: number 0 how many months should be displayed before the selected month
monthsAfter: number 0 how many months should be displayed after the selected month
config: CalendarConfig null overwrite configuration for the component
(clickDate) - returns an event with selected days depending on the selected mode (single click or range of days)



Name Default Description
{string} renderMode monthly choose render mode (‘annual’ or ‘monthly’)
{string} selectMode click choose select mode (‘click’ or ‘range’)
{boolean} calendarWeek false display the calendar week
{boolean} displayYear true displays the year next to the Month name
{boolean} switches true show arrows to navigate an month forward or backwards
{boolean} bluredDays false make an circle around the number of the day
{boolean} markWeekend true highlight weekends
{boolean} firstDayOfWeekMonday true set first day of week (monday or sunday)
{string} panelWidth 350px set a with for an single panel


Name Default Description
{Date} date null Date to match
{string} color null set a custom color (hex, string, or var)
{string} backgroundColor null set a custom Background Color (hex, string, or var)
{string} badgeMode null badgeMode options: ‘Int’ or ‘Icon’
{number} badgeInt null if badgeMode == ‘Int’, set our Number here
{string} badgeIcon null if badgeMode == ‘Icon’, set Icon (Matireal-Icons)
{string} toolTip null if set, this displays a mat-tooltip


Make sure your using the standard material palette!

Since Version 3.1.0 theaming is required.

style.scss or theme.scss

@import "material-calendar/calendar-theme.scss";
// standard angular material -->
@import "~@angular/material/theming";
@include mat-core();

$mat-primary-palette: mat-palette($mat-indigo);
$mat-accent-palette: mat-palette($mat-light-green);

$app-light-theme: mat-light-theme($mat-primary-palette, $mat-accent-palette);
$app-dark-theme: mat-dark-theme($mat-primary-palette, $mat-accent-palette);

@include angular-material-theme($app-light-theme);
// <-- standard angular material
// this include prowides the calendar with the right colors
@include calendar-theme($app-light-theme);

// following section is for dark mode and optional.
// use appropriate class name for darkMode
.darkMode {
  @include angular-material-theme($app-dark-theme);
  @include calendar-theme($app-dark-theme);