Table of contents
You can operate the material calendar in two different modes.
The first and most common is the monthly Mode. The second is an annual mode that shows every 12 months of the year.
In addition to this modes, there is also a basic configuration, as shown below.
Bacis Installation of material-calendar
import the MaterialCalendarModule
and optional provide your location.
In my case: {provide: LOCALE_ID, useValue: 'de-DE' }
File: app.module.ts
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule, LOCALE_ID } from '@angular/core';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { MaterialCalendarModule } from 'material-calendar'; // <-- add this line
declarations: [
imports: [
MaterialCalendarModule // <-- add this line
providers: [
{provide: LOCALE_ID, useValue: 'de-DE' } // <-- add this line (depending on your location)
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
In your html:
and you are good to go ; )
All options are shown here:
<calendar-panel [placeholderDay]="placeholder" [dataSource]="dataSource" year="2021" month="5" [monthsBefore]="monthsBefore" [monthsAfter]="monthsAfter" [config]="calendarConfig" (clickDate)="testMethod($event)">
default placeholderDay = false
default year = current year
default month = current month
default monthsBefore = 1
default monthsAfter = 1
Note: the values entered here are default values
import { CalendarConfig } from 'material-calendar';
placeholder = false // boolean ...can be hardcoded in html
calendarConfig: CalendarConfig = {
renderMode: 'monthly', // 'annual' | 'monthly'
selectMode: 'click', // 'click' | 'range'
displayYear: true,
firstDayOfWeekMonday: true,
calendarWeek: false,
switches: true,
bluredDays: false,
markWeekend: true,
panelWidth: '350px'